Alan founded Powers Young & Company in May 2000 to provide Arizona’s nonprofit organizations with the very finest in capital development planning, management and counsel. With nearly four decades of successful fundraising and management experience, he has earned an outstanding reputation in long range and financial development planning for not-for-profit institutions and has a proven record in managing capital development and annual giving programs.
A 1978 graduate of the University of Wisconsin, he earned his MBA from Pepperdine University in 1989. He is a past president of the Pacific Crest Trail Association and has served on the board of Florence Crittenton.
When not engaged in community development, Alan is a world-class adventurer. He walked the 2,600-mile Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail from the Mexican border to the Canadian border in one continuous trip. Recently, he sailed across the Pacific Ocean to Easter Island and on to New Zealand before travelling by train aboard the Trans-Mongolian Express from Beijing, China to St. Petersburg, Russia.
Alan Young is on leave from Powers Young & Company to serve as a volunteer for the Peace Corps in Ukraine. His two-year assignment there involves community development and the advancement of nonprofit and governmental organizations as well as representing his country and furthering the goals of the Peace Corps.